„I just have a good time when I play“ – Interview mit Martin Patiño

Manchmal ist es so, dass man Tracks kennt, sie aber keinem Künstler zuordnen kann. So ging es uns mit Martin Patiño. Auf den italienischen DJ sind wir erst durch unseren Freund Benedikt Ölz aka ben-e aufmerksam geworden, der in der Wiener Booking-Agentur iNSTINKT MANAGEMENT arbeitet und uns auf deren Schützling aufmerksam gemacht hat. Beim Hören der Tracks waren wir so überrascht wie erfreut. Jetzt werden wir zu den uns bekannten Tracks auch den Künstler kennenlernen.

Was Martin nach Berlin gezogen hat und was ihm dort besonders gefällt und wie er sich auf seine Auftritte vorbereitet, all das erfahrt ihr hier…

You’re from Italy, what brought you to Berlin?

I came as an Erasmus student almost 5 years ago. I studied communication and marketing in Italy, and I couldn’t miss the chance to stay one year in the city; after that I just stayed here and never left!

What do you value most in the city and what not at all?

I think one of the most beautiful elements in the city is the fact that any crazy idea in art and expression is tolerated and supported. The worst side is the weather, no doubt about that.

Tell us about your favorite place in Berlin.

Modersohnbrücke on a summer sunset. It’s just a bridge over the rails of the S-Bahn, where you can see a big part of East-Berlin. So when I go there and have a drink it’s perfect for me to gain inspiration.

Let’s talk about your music, how do you explain an old lady what exactly you do?

Well, in terms of production I mainly do two things. One is music and the other is art. When I only make music, I (most of the time) create a product for the dancefloor, which is a necessary as much as a cocktail or a toilette. I’m not very proud of those, even if they might be really nice pieces of techno / house/ whatever music. When I do art, I find a concept or an object and I extract its structure. With the raw elements I recreate this structure using audio material. So I can describe a chair, a life of an old man, a fart, a surgery or a religion through music. To the old women I would say: I do music for clubbers and I do art for music-lovers.

Benedict Ölz from Instinkt Management gave us the hint to pay attention on you. How did it come to this connection?

Well I had a request from Instinkt last year and I have begun to work with them in August; Now I have two booking agencies, which are taking care of my schedule, one for Germany and one for the rest of the world.

Can you pay all your bills with your music?

Yes, it’s rough but yes. Berlin is also extremely cheap 😉

Who would you give the advise to come to your party?

My family: they have no idea how things work in my job; I come from a small town also so it’s impossible for them to understand what I do are not only loud annoying noises, but also art.

How do you prepare yourself for a gig?

I do not prepare my self for the gigs. I just have a good time when I play, that’s how it should be. The only thing I need is to be versatile with music, I wanna create my journey every time and it’s always different.

What kind of things whisper groupies in your ears?

When I will have them I will tell you, at the moment the only girl who came behind the decks and talk to me, actually asked me if I had some hardcore tracks to play.

What do you do when the last bass has faded?

Smoke a cigarette and speak with the people around, really easy.


Martin Patiño @ soundcloud

Martin Patiño @ facebook


Booking: dalila-at-lilawunderland.de (Germany) contact-at-instinkt.co.at (Worldwide)

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